The school climate should be a positive one with high expectations and school spirit. Students should feel that they are an important part of the school community. Teachers should feel that they are needed and wanted within the organization. I strive to retain great faculty and staff and I feel that it is important to create staff development for teachers that is personalized and motivating. I mentioned the importance of shared decision-making and the idea of cultivating leaders on campus.  If the goal is, a cross-curricular approach then collaboration through a Professional Learning Community (PLC) is vital.

The Principal, staff, students, and community should work together for the common goal of educating students. I see staff members enlisting community help in aspects of teaching and creating a positive environment on campus. I see the community offering staff development opportunities that will enhance the educational experience. Parents should feel welcome in the school and given the opportunity to volunteer in the school setting in many different aspects. Parents should be encouraged to participate in school governance. Extra-curricular activities will help students to feel a sense of belonging to the school environment. Teachers should use planning time to work together in collegial activities and individually to implement new and exciting strategies.  This can be achieved if trust is build and if I am seen as a change agent and an advocate for this exciting, inquiry approach.

CORE VALUE: Implementing a strategic plan of school improvement driven by clear priorities developed with stakeholder input that ensures synergy, alignment, and connection throughout the community.