The future of education, just as it is for business, is change. It is also clear that the level of accountability for schools is increasing exponentially. Therefore, school leaders must know how to implement effective change.
Kotter, in Leading Change, has created an eight-stage process of creating major (lasting) change. This change begins by establishing a sense of urgency and anchoring new approaches in the culture. This requires constant research and creating a culture where students, parents and teachers have a voice. It also speaks to the idea of collaboration and an intense focus on a project and problem based approach.
Shared decision-making is vital to leadership within this culture. I, as Principal, am the ultimate leader in the school setting and must be open to listening to stakeholders. As Collins states in Good to Great, “the Principal should always lead with questions.” Whilst asking questions, I am also able to see what is going on in the school and engage in dialogue and debate. These questions will also allow staff and faculty to have input and feel that their job is important to the organization. I feel it important that I create an environment where I am open to input from not only staff and faculty but to all stakeholders including students, parents, and community partners.
CORE VALUE: Develop and sustain a well-defined vision for teaching and learning by demonstrating mission driven, forward thinking, global, steady, engaging, visible, and faithful leadership.