Notable Activities
Member of Florida Association for Secondary Administrators: 2010- Present. Responsibilities relate to professional development, legislative updates and as a liaison with St. Johns County Delegates.
Chairperson of Grading Committee: 2018 – Present. Leading our Middle School Administrator on common language associated with grades and grading as it relates to benchmarking.
Empowering Educators in Excellence (EEE): 2015-Present. Member of district committee designed to review and qualify our district evaluation model for instructional personnel.
Race to the Top Committee: 2010-2106. Engaged committee comprised of District Administrators, teachers and coordinators with the goal of designing and implementing a new performance appraisal system coupled with meeting federal mandates associated with the RTTT Grant. The scope of the committee has developed to include making recommendations on key issues to the St. Johns County School Board.
Performance Pay Sub-Committee: 2012. Lead a district committee designed to align with the collective bargaining principles in order to create and implement the pay for performance mandates.
Collective Bargaining Team Member: 2009-2013. Served twice on the district bargaining teams and served as a liaison to other Principals to communicate updates related to bargaining and Human Resources in general.
STEAM Advisory Board (Sebastian Middle School): The goal is to connect the curriculum with organizations in the community in order to design inquiry or applied learning. Partners include Northrop Grumman, University of St. Augustine.
Guana Tolomato Mantanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTM NERR): Cooperative service learning arrangement with the GTM NERR and Valley Ridge Academy, Landrum Middle School and St. Johns Technical High School (June 2009-present) Benefit: fostering personal responsibility for natural resources of the community, preparing students for both analytical and creative thinking. Goal: stimulate student’s imaginations, preparing all students for learning, work and citizenship in the 21st century. The Project extended to the Shoreline Restoration Project and the partnership is still in effect in a different capacity at Sebastian Middle School.
Ponte Vedra Beach Rotary: 2010-2016. Involvement goals are to foster partnerships in the community, provide mentoring services to the students at Valley Ridge Academy and help establish an Early / Middle Act Club at VRA (Feb, 2015) so that students can be more aware of needs in the community.
Crisis Response Team, St. Johns County: 2003-2010 with yearly updates. Select team of community leaders with a focus on team-based leadership and critical thinking during times of community crisis. Problem identification, assumptions and facts, acquiring information & viewing alternative solutions. Benefit: bringing these skills and mind set to school-based leadership
Chinese-American Bridge Delegation: June-July 2006. Part of a delegation traveled to China to gain cultural awareness & expose American students to Chinese language & culture. Byproduct: Chinese language course was set up at LMS in spring 2007. Ongoing professional development with Hanban.
Cross Curriculum Speakers Bureau: 2008-2012. Formed a committee to bring community members to LMS as guest speakers to broaden awareness of community member’s involvement in historical events, foster deeper understanding of individuals within history and heightened awareness of rigor.
on school rank and the recruitment and retention of highly qualified teachers.
Commissioners Leadership Team 2014-2016: Applied and selected to represent St. Johns County on State level committee with other administrators. Focus was on Five Dimensions of Feedback and Communication to Instructors.
St. Johns County Principal of the Year 2010: Qualified as State Finalist and served with other finalists on Collaborative Team for the following year.
District Parent Involvement Award 2008-2010 at Landrum Middle School: Two-time winner, which speaks to the capacity to motivate one’s parent base.
Outstanding Student Volunteer 2010 at Landrum and 2017 at Sebastian Middle School: Two-time winner here with the focus on designing and leading clubs and organizations with a focus on students’ volunteerism and community service.